donderdag 31 januari 2013

1.2.13 ...And the challenge begins!

On my calender of Lettermo I put the name of what I wanted to send out on that date... And today I realized I have to write the day before if I would like the postdate as on my calender. So I'v already started ;)
On Febraury 1th was 'Dog ATC' swap on swap-bot.
 And I also recieved some mail:
From Sweden for the Six weeks snail mail #1 Europe, part 4

From Finland for the swap 'Butterflies and more butterflies'

Cute stamps!

National Handwriting Day-swap. I recieved this great letter and postcard from Leigh from USA.

1 opmerking:

  1. Wow, I love this Swedish postcard, really :) I'd love to start with that Swap-bot thing whenever I have money. This is Claudia btw, nice to meet you and have a lovely February :)
